2020 – An Unforgettable Year

Dorohi Podruhy i Druzi,

2020 – a year none of us will soon forget. It was an extraordinary year not only for each of us but for CYM in particular. At this special Christmas time we would like to express our sincerest gratitude to all of you for your tremendous support throughout this past year!

Thanks to your selfless work and extraordinary ability to quickly adapt to the new and never before experienced circumstances, we collectively tried our utmost to continue with our weekly educational programs for our youth and membership in the safest way possible! 

In the belief of a much better 2021, that will ultimately allow us to return to our normal lives, we eagerly await the coming of the newborn Child and through him the salvation of mankind!
On behalf of the Ukrainian Youth Association of Canada, please accept our sincerest gratitude not only for your moral support but above all for your generous charitable donation(s) throughout the year. For your generosity we are extremely grateful!

Embedded please find a short video celebrating our joint accomplishments throughout this year which is quickly coming to an end!

We pray to the Almighty that He continues to keep you and your families safe!
Christ is born – Glorify Him!

On behalf of CYM Canada

Yuri Broda – President

Should you wish to support the Ukrainian Youth Association in your charitable year end giving you can do so in one of the following ways.

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CanadaHelpsBy mail

UYA of Canada