Slovamy CYMivtsiv (CYM Members Speak)


The video project titled “Slovamy CYMivtsiv” (CYM Members Speak) represents a series of video interviews by CYM members of different generations, from different parts of Canada, members who have been in CYM their entire lives and those who have only recently joined the ranks, speaking on what CYM means to them.

This video project titled consists of five themes that address meaning of CYM.

We would like to express our gratitude to those who contributed to the realization of these videos. Among them are Kostyantyn Snitsar, Andriy Mazepa, Marko Boychuk, Stepan Bandera and Danylo Moussienko, and the CYM members who gladly shared their thoughts. This project is just the beginning and throughout the year we will encourage other CYM members to participate in this documentary project.