Zyizd Druzhynnykiv 2014


On Saturday, October 11th 2014, CYM Druzhynnyky gathered at the M. Pavlushkov branch in Chicago to attend the Druzhynnyk Congress – the first in the western US for over 20 years. The multifaceted program included a lively discussion about the possibilities of the Druzhynnyk diaspora with pesenters Paul Bandriwsky and Ihor Diaczun speaking with participants about the unique activities that Druzhynnyky can organize and lead. Mark Rachkevych, who lives in Kyiv and works as a journalist for the editorial “Kyiv Post” joined the conference via Skype and told the participants about the changes in Kyiv and Ukraine over the last year. In the afternoon, participants took part in singing traditional songs with the branch’s youth and then moved to the Ukrainian National Museum where curator Mrs. Mary Klimchak warmly welcomed them and conducted a tour of the new exhibits. After returning to the Branch, Anna Maria Bagan Solomiya Chuyko presented photographs and memories of their summer in Ukraine where they took part in the “Obmin” exchange program and worked as a youth camp counselors. Following their presentation Dr. Roxolana Tumyak-Lonchyna and Dr. Basil Lonchyna gave a presentation about their experience  as election observers in Ukraine. We sincerely thank the M. Pavlushkov branch in Chicago, along with co-chairmen Michael Kowal and Peter Krutiak, and others for their cooperation and participation in this years event.

~Danylo Diaczun