A History of Oselia Weselka – The Beginnings

In 1954 oslya Weselka was established. The decision was made by the southwestern Ontario branches of CYM to buy 100 acres of farmland and develop it into a CYM camp to uphold our vibrant Ukrainian traditions. A group of volunteers spent thousands of hours clearing the land of rocks and trees.
In 1954 oslya Weselka was established. The decision was made by the southwestern Ontario branches of CYM to buy 100 acres of farmland and develop it into a CYM camp to uphold our vibrant Ukrainian traditions. A group of volunteers spent thousands of hours clearing the land of rocks and trees.

CYM sign 1950's

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In 1954, before cabins were built,  campers stayed in old streetcars during the first summer camp at Weselka.
In 1954, before cabins were built, campers stayed in old streetcars during the first summer camp at Weselka.