66th CYM National Rally – Tarasivka


The 66th National CYM Rally (Krayovyi Zdvyh) will take place on Saturday 5 July 2014 in Tarasivka

General Programme

12:00   Official opening by the Chapel

15:00   Concert/Competition in marquee

20:00   Dance (zabava)

Entrance into Tarasivka The entrance fee into Tarasivka (which includes entrance into the concert) is £4.00 per person, ie everyone over the age of 12. There is an additional parking fee of £4.00 per car and £15.00 per coach. Caravans are not welcome. In order to speed up the entrance procedure and prevent queues forming, we would ask all oseredky planning to come by coach to collect the entrance fee before they arrive at Tarasivka and for one responsible person to then pay for the whole coach at the gate. We would also ask oseredky to ensure that alcoholic beverages are not sold from the coaches during their stay at Tarasivka.

Concert/Competition We would like to take this opportunity to remind oseredky that only those oseredky, who have passed on all their financial dues (Christmas and Easter collections, membership dues, and donation to World Committee) are allowed to participate in the Competition at the National Rally. This is in keeping with the latest Competition Rules as endorsed by the National AGM.

Evening Dance The Evening Dance (zabava) will take place in the main hall from 8:00 pm. Entrance – £7.00 per person (£4.00 for children under 16 years of age).

Accomodation Weekend package prices to stay in Tarasivka (exclusive of food and drinks) are as follows: From 16.00 on Friday 4 July to 15.00 on Sunday 6 July 2014

  • Adults (16+)                £25.00
  • Ages 7-15                   £12.00
  • Ages 0-6                      Free

From 08.00 on Saturday 5 July to 15.00 on Sunday 6 July 2014

  • Adults(16+)                £20.00
  • Ages 7-15                   £10.00
  • Ages 0-6                      Free

Summeniata under 6’s stay free of charge. Overnight stays in tents in designated area or pre-booked field barracks (20 bedded dormitories, £5 per bed).

Rooms can also be booked in the summeniata barrack at a cost of £25 per room per night. Bookings for field barracks – please phone 01332 700 215.

Help needed We would be very grateful for any help that oseredky may be able to give before, during and after the National Rally. We particularly need volunteers to lay out the chairs in the marquee (on Friday), parking duties, bar staff, kitchen staff, general help throughout the day, and in clearing up (on Saturday and Sunday). Volunteers should make themselves known (on 01332 700 215). Please note that there will be a rota of jobs for all oseredky to help with (which will be sent out shortly before the Rally).


  1. Будь ласка підтвердіть скільки буде коштувати перебування в Тарасівці для двох дорослих і дитини (5 років) в суботу і неділю з ночівкою в тенті. Дякую

  2. Слава Україні!

    Лондон Євро/Авто Майдани плaпнують різні міроприємства по збору коштів для України. Я зокрема хочу зробити аукціон з продажу вишиванок та продаж української символіки. Зароблені кошти підуть на допомогу Майданівцям i сім”ям загиблих у Львівській області та на потреби української армії.

    Я би хотіла дізнатись, чи ви можете допомогти з розміщенням,чи маєте якісь столи чи виділену територію для цього? Я планую приїхати у п”ятницю, щоб подивитись, як це організувати. До кого я би мала звернутись?

    З повагою Любов Фодор.