New uprava elected at AGM

CYM Melbourne AGM CYM Melbourne held its AGM on Sunday 3rd August 2014. Over 50 members attended to discuss the work of the oseredok over...

Ispyty 2017

Our younger members had their testing day today. A big thank you to our vykhovnyky for all their hard work throughout the year....

СУМівський ансамбль “Верховина” відзначив 50-ліття безперервної праці

50-літній Ювілей відзначив відомий далеко за межами Австралії танцювальний ансамблю «Верховина», який діє при осередку СУМ в м.Мельбурн. Відзначенню цієї пам'ятної дати передувала копітка підготовка,...

Launch of CYM Victoria’s campaign to prepare for CYM’s trip to Kokoda Trail in...

The Australian Easter long weekend provided the perfect opportunity to launch CYM Victoria’s campaign of hikes to prepare for CYM’s trip to the Kokoda...

85th Anniversary of Holodomor

CYM Melbourne youth and members of the CYM dance ensemble Verchovyna joined the international campaign Light a Candle of Remembrance 85th anniversary of Holodomor.Ukraine...

“Time to Talk” – Discussion on Mental Health Awareness and Wellbeing

CYM Melbourne encourages all to attend an informative and important discussion presented by Peter Shmigel which will be taking place on Saturday 25th May 2019 from 4:30PM...